This page draws a map showing the placement of major Danish cities. Population is shown through the area of circles around each city. The app is made using the Leaflet library for R.
A list of the 20 largest Danish cities:
cities <- data.frame(longitude = c(12.5689, 10.2, 10.3833, 9.9194, 8.4514, 10.0392, 9.4667,
9.8519, 9.5333, 12.0808, 8.9667, 12.4992, 12.6067,
9.55, 11.7567, 9.75, 9.4, 12.1797, 8.6167, 12.3),
latitude = c(55.6772, 56.15, 55.4, 57.0511, 55.4708, 56.4569, 55.4833,
55.8619, 55.7014, 55.6417, 56.1333, 55.8786, 56.035,
56.1667, 55.2294, 55.5667, 56.45, 55.4561, 56.3667, 55.65),
pop = c(1280371, 264716, 175245, 112194, 72151, 62342, 59712,
57517, 54862, 50046, 48531, 47000, 46829,
43885, 42979, 40248, 39856, 36831, 35392, 33971))
A nice Danish flag icon:
flag <- makeIcon(iconUrl = "flag.png",
iconWidth = 50, iconHeight = 50,
iconAnchorX = 17, iconAnchorY = 47)
Finally, the map itself:
map <- cities %>%
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
addMarkers(icon = flag,
clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions(),
popup = c("Copenhagen", "Aarhus", "Odense", "Aalborg", "Esbjerg", "Randers", "Kolding",
"Kolding", "Vejle", "Roskilde", "Herning", "Hørsholm", "Elsinore",
"Silkeborg", "Næstved", "Fredericia", "Viborg", "Køge", "Holstebro", "Taastrup")) %>%
addCircles(weight = 2, radius = sqrt(cities$pop) * 25)